Join the team!
Application Deadline: March 15, 2020
The Dare to Dream Academies are a multi-organization partnerships between OSPI’s Migrant Education division, the CAMP program at each university campus and the Association of Washington School Principals (AWSP). AWSP provides the high school credit for the 7-day courses and hires certified teacher evaluators to document and implement academic rigor. In addition, AWSP hires facilitators to deliver content for the 9th and 10th grade strand Exploring Your Future (Hero’s Journey). The final role for AWSP is the supervisor which serves as a principal-type leader in collaboration with the CAMP directors. Each role receives a $1,500 stipend.
*NOTE: April 17-19, 2020: Required staff training @ CWU
Questions? Contact Vincent Perez or james layman
Organizational Chart / Roles and Responsibilities
Program Development
Administer HS credit
Ensures academic rigor
Approve schedules
Hire AWSP staff
Principal outreach
Fidelity of instruction
Schedule coordination
Relationship/crisis management
Student discipline
Organize morning message
Songfest parameters
Read student work
Coach mentors
Hero’s Journey direct instruction
Teambuilding opener
HJ Evening presentations
Movie lesson
Read student work
Assess rigor / Report
Coach instruction
Read student work
Program Development
Hire CAMP staff
On-site training
Secure facilities
Organize student transportation
Order supplies/equip
Facility logistics
Schedule coordination
Relationship/crisis management
Students discipline
Student wellbeing
Assess participation
Coach mentors
Mentor discipline
Role model scholar
Instructional support
Transition activities
Coach evening presentations
Student safety
Instructional support
Program Development
Student identification
Sets and measures outcomes
Program marketing
Hires WOIS
Recruit state student representatives
Final discipline decisions (guidance)
All mentor training
Program Recruitment
Program outreach and student recruitment
Student Intake Process
Student registration
Data management